August 15, 2023

Whitney Kenter: Slow Down to Speed Up

Episode 14
“You don’t get the growth without going through the stuff. You don’t get the growth staying comfortable.”

Whitney Kenter: Slow Down to Speed Up

Episode 14

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It feels different for people. When you're on a leadership team and things have been rewired where you can actually say what's on your mind, you actually are heard, you actually are seen. It's a game changer.

Whitney Kenter is the Founder of Glowe Connective. She calls it an Un-Consultancy that helps leadership teams ask themselves the tough questions so they can properly focus their personal and professional efforts. She’s worked with companies all across the country, with incredible results.

She talks to Cynthia about her path from the corporate world to her company Glowe Connective. Though typically risk averse she felt she had no choice but to launch this service. There is an easier, healthier, and more pleasurable path to success and she’s ready to help you find it.

Show Notes

1 – Intro 00:43
2 – What is Glowe Connective? 01:30
3 – Starting a company during COVID 02:09
4 – How did you start Glowe with such a full plate 04:31
5 – How did you get started with Matter 09:52
6 – How did you balance the technical and psychological? 11:40
7 – Challenge of communicating family goals across generations 15:34
8 – Were you destined for this role all along? 19:05
9 – Meeting resistance with curiosity 21:49
10 – Roads leading to Glowe 24:11
11 – Good stories to illustrate what Glowe does 25:27
12 – Slowing down to speed up 31:32
13 – Challenges you’ve faced as a woman 35:26
14 – More on Glowe with an E 45:21
15 – Finding the right fit at a company 48:01
16 – Not having all the answers as a leader 52:18
17 – Having difficult conversations 55:56
18 – Learning how to be true to yourself 58:23
19 – What should someone do if they’re stuck? 1:06:08
20 – Importance of coaching for highly successful people 1:07:51
21 – How do you find clients 1:11:42
22 – Un-Consultancy 1:12:29
23 – Region that resonates best 1:13:54
24 – What does an engagement look like 1:17:47
25 – Biggest transformation 1:20:14

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This podcast and all She Lift Project content represents the opinions of Cynthia Kirkpatrick and her guests. The content here is for informational purposes only, and should not be taken as professional advice – financial, legal, medical, or otherwise.

Views and opinions expressed in the podcast and across all She Lift Project media channels are our own and do not represent that of our places of work. While we make every effort to ensure that the information we are sharing is accurate, we welcome any comments, suggestions, or correction of errors.

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